Independent Educational Consultancy

Cutting through the noise

For many families, the admissions phase has become a stressful time of important decisions based on unclear criteria and conflicting information.

Parents want their kids to be successful.

Students want to make their parents proud.

But it is difficult to feel confident about when, where, and how to apply for a student to land at the best college for them.

College Compass: Finding Your Path

Article featured in Smyrna Vinings Lifestyle

At College Rangefinder, we help families of 8th - 12th grade students design & execute a customized college plan with the student at the center.

What does that mean?

The student is empowered to take an active role in collaborating on identifying best fit colleges for them based on assessments and self-reflection on talents, aptitudes, and interests.

With coaching, they learn to leverage each aspect of the application to tell their own compelling story, making them stand out from talented competition.

You have a guide and an ally on the college journey, so that your student and your family can spend more time enjoying the high school years.

Meet Aletta

Ph.D. in Psychology, research expert, entrepreneur, and lifelong learner – here to join your personal college planning team

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College Rangefinder, LLC helps students and their families navigate the complex and ever-changing college search and application process by offering a portfolio of services customized for each unique student. Services encompass a wide range to meet students where they are:

Comprehensive packages covering the entire journey from initial search through applications and the final selection decision

Mini-packages designed around a specific goal, for example, student assessment or list building

Hourly sessions for targeted support as needed

Comprehensive Package

Junior Year: Strategic Planning

Junior Year includes family education on how colleges application files and 1:1 student work sessions on the building blocks of the application process and great fit list building. Ideally kicks off in Spring/Summer after Sophomore year.

Personal Assessments

Standardized Testing Plan

Family Meeting: Inside College Admissions

Paying for College: Merit and Financial Aid

Transcript Building for College Admissions

Extracurricular, Service, & Summer Planning

Personal College Criteria & The Balanced List

Getting the Most from College Research & Visits

Student Resume and/or LinkedIn Profile Development

Rangefinder Essay Program

Comprehensive College Plan includes approximately 40 hours of consultant time split between research and meetings, with full support for up to 12 college applications. For additional applications or specialized support beyond this scope, hourly consultation is available. 

Senior Year: Tactical Execution

Senior Year is Go Time. For most students, much of the tactical development of application elements occurs in the summer, as well as finalizing the college list and admissions plans. In the Fall we shift to executing the application strategy in weekly 1:1 work sessions until all apps are in.

Mock Interview & Feedback

Application Platform Education

Family Meeting: Admissions Strategies & Final College List

Personal Action Plan with Timeline

Weekly 1:1 Work Sessions & Application Tracking

Honors Program & Scholarship Apps

Comparison of Offers & Decision Support

Parent Meeting: College Transition

Student Work Session: Custom Transition Plan

Tips to Prepare for Graduate School Admissibility

Each student has a unique path, therefore the meeting and support plan is customized within the package scope. Special topics may include FAFSA/CSS Profile, balancing academics & college athletics, optimizing admissibility for impacted majors, etc.

Streamlined Senior Package

Strategic Planning

This compressed version of the comprehensive package begins no earlier than April 15th of the Junior Year. We hit the highlights of the process in a shorter time period with less 1:1 time.

Personal Assessment

Academic Profile Review

Family Meeting: Inside College Admissions

The Balanced College List

Rangefinder Essay Program

Tactical Execution & Fine-Tuning

This package includes full application support for up to 8 college applications, customizing the consulting time based on individual student needs. The compressed version is generally 10 total meetings. Additional hourly support available.

Personal Action Plan with Timeline

Application Platform Education

Weekly 1:1 Work Sessions & Application Tracking

Decision Support

Planning for College Transition

Hourly Targeted Support

Hourly Consultation*

Additional hours can be added to packages or used to design a targeted approach to a single piece of the puzzle.

*Availability & pricing my vary during the Senior Surge period in September – December each year.

Let’s talk college.

Want to learn more? Contact me for a free 30-minute discovery meeting and learn how we can work together.


  • No, and neither can any other educational consultant with an ethical practice. College admissions decisions are based on many complex factors that can change from year-to-year. Holistic admissions reviews make it difficult to understand sometimes why so-and-so got in, and so-and-so didn’t. What I can do is work with your student to help them assess their talents, strengths, goals, and dreams and present their Best Self to their Best Fit schools, helping them stand out from talented competition.

  • It all starts with the student: grades, course selection, scores and activities, combined with an interest, and aptitude assessments to help students define who they are and what’s important for them to thrive in college. Drawing on research and experience, I create a personalized college list based on academic, social, and financial fit for students to explore – usually with a few hidden gems or unexpected choices to broaden the discussion. Together, we home in on a balanced list of good fit schools across the probability range of admission – including high probability, medium probability, and wild cards – then we get to work showcasing why the student is a great fit for each school.

  • If you’re reading this, probably now. Students in 8th to 10th grades can get a head start with advice on course selection, extracurriculars, summer planning, and even exploring colleges. Junior year is the optimal time to develop the best fit college list and exploration to be in position for applying wisely. And Seniors, it’s Go Time! We can help organize your application process or provide extra support in reviewing before you hit send.

  • I tend to fit well with families open to thinking outside the box to find a range of great fit schools for their student. Have a dream school in mind? That’s great! I’ll encourage you to pursue it. But as your personal consultant, I’ll also encourage you to apply wisely to a range of great fit schools. Fit is important, and the best way to find out is to get to know each other. Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about how we can work together.

  • Check out this advice from the experts at IECA.


Aletta is thorough! She listens to you, and more importantly she listens to your child. She has researched campuses near and far and understands that there is a PLACE for each and every child no matter what their background entails. She is trustworthy and honest and those are the qualities you need when looking for your child's home away from home.

Saralee P.
Parent, Class of 2023
Regional Sales Director,

I have been fortunate enough to work with Aletta for over a decade and can confidently say she is the consummate professional whose research, analysis, communication, project management and strategy skills are second to none. Her uncanny ability to simplify complex information and present things in an easy-to-understand way has been invaluable. It's been a pleasure to know and work with someone of such high integrity and whose advice and recommendations have proven to be reliable time after time.”

Scott F.
Former Colleague & Client

Aletta has a deep consultative background coupled with extensive knowledge of the college space. She is thoughtful and recognizes the unique position of each individual going through the college process. She genuinely takes the time to understand the requisite needs and connects fully with the student and family.

Carla D.
Parent, Class of 2024

Let’s talk college.

Aletta Merz, Ph.D.
Founder & Principal Consultant
College Rangefinder, LLC
404) 436-0697

Rangefinder Insights

Hey Seniors - It's Go Time!
Application season is here and it's time to select admissions plans from your Best Fit College List. Each school sets its own plans and deadlines, so be sure to check their admissions websites for specifics. Here's a brief overview of typical options and considerations as you finalize your plans.

Don't have a Best Fit College List? Not sure which admissions plan to choose? Contact Aletta for help presenting your best self to your best fit schools so you can stand out from talented competition.

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The Common Data Set
The landscape of college admissions is complex and dynamic – with seemingly endless changes in policies, criteria, and standards each admissions cycle, it can become difficult to know what really matters and how to maximize your chances of admission at your Best Fit College List. One source makes a concerted effort to define and collect data from every school using a consistent set of definitions and criteria: The Common Data Set. Read on to find out the Top Five things you can learn about a school from the Common Data Set.

Don't have a Best Fit College List? Need help determining how to use the CDS to your advantage? Contact Aletta for help presenting your best self to your best fit schools so you can stand out from talented competition.

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Demonstrated Interest
Perhaps you've heard that colleges care about Demonstrated Interest . . . But what is it? And why does it matter? Check out this quick overview of all you need to know.

Don't have a Best Fit College List? Have more questions? Contact Aletta for help presenting your best self to your best fit schools so you can stand out from talented competition.

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